Deanwood Citizens Association

Constitution and Bylaws

(Revised March 2024)

The Deanwood Citizens Association is a non-political non-sectarian organization established for and devoted to the Improvement of the citizens' interest and general welfare of residents in the Deanwood neighborhood.


The name of this Association is the Deanwood Citizens Association (hereafter referred to as the Association or DCA). The Deanwood Citizens Association is located in the far Northeast section of Ward 7 in the District of Columbia. The service area boundaries of the Association are the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (now CSX) on the West, Eastern Avenue on the Northeast, Division Avenue on the East, and Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue on the South. See Appendix A for the area map.


The principal offices of the association shall be c/o the 4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue Northeast, Washington D.C. 20019, and Deanwood Recreation Center at 1350 Minnesota Avenue Northeast, Washington, D.C. 20019.


The objectives and purposes of the Association are:

  1. To serve the residents of Deanwood through a viable, effective citizens association;

  2. To consider and act upon any matters affecting the citizens' interests and the general welfare of the residents of Deanwood;

  3. To serve as a channel through which public, private, and volunteer agencies may disseminate plans and projects of City-wide, Ward-specific and/or neighborhood-specific importance;

  4. To assist District of Columbia government officials in the development, publication, and implementation of City-wide programs in the interest of the residents of Deanwood;

  5. To promote cooperation among residents, businesses, and houses of worship to improve the environment and quality of life for the Deanwood community;

  6. To encourage increased civic involvement of residents, particularly young people.


The Association is a non-political non-sectarian organization established for and devoted to the Improvement of the citizens' interest and the general welfare of the residents in the Deanwood neighborhood.

Section 1. Membership Criteria

  1. Membership in the association is open to individuals 18 years of age and older

  2. Membership is open to businesses, houses of worship, and organizations

  3. Youth/Young Adult Membership in the Association is open to Deanwood residents. Individuals 13-17 years of age and older, as non-voting member(s). (ratification needed)

Section 2. Classes of Membership

A.Voting Members

  1. Individual Members who are residents of the Deanwood community and in good standing with the Association.

  2. Organizational Members are owners or representatives of a business, house of worship, or organization within the Deanwood community and in good standing with the Association. Such business, house of worship, or organization shall be entitled to one vote.

B. Non-Voting Members

  1. Individuals businesses, houses of worship, or organizations who support the work of the association but are not located within the Deanwood community and contribute to the Association through the payment of dues. Non-voting Members can vote and participate in committees. (revisions rectification needed)

Section 3 Membership Dues

A. Dues Amounts. All members (voting and non-voting) shall pay dues annually to the Association per the following:

  1. Adults 18 to 59 years old $25

  2. For adults 60 years and older $0

  3. Youth ages 14-17 $0

  4. Local Small Business $250

  5. Corporations $1,000

B. Payment of Dues. Dues may be paid at any meeting of the Association before the start of, or after the start of each meeting. A membership application must accompany dues payment.

Section 4. Membership Suspension and/or Removal (revision ratification vote needed)

The Association may suspend a member for causes deemed detrimental and/or prejudicial to the Association, upon recommendation by a simple majority (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of the Executive Officers and ratification by a simple majority (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of voting members present, and voting in the assembly at the next general body meeting after the month in which the Executive Officers made its recommendations providing that:

  1. Charges are submitted in writing by no fewer than three (3) voting members at a regular meeting of the Executive Officers.

  2. The members bring charges delivered and mail copies of the charges to the Executive Officers within two (2) weeks of bringing charges.

  3. A copy of the complaint mailed by the Executive Officers to the challenge member within one (1) week of submission of charges.

  4. The member is given a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to answer all charges brought against him/her at the Executive Officers meeting and general body meeting considering the charges.

  5. If the Executive Officers recommend suspension, it must be reported in the notice of the next general body meeting that it will consider the recommendation. The Executive Officers shall determine the term of the suspension.

  6. Suspension and/or removal will occur if so voted by a majority of the Association present at the general body meeting considering the recommendation.

  7. A suspended member may be readmitted upon written application to the Executive Officers at the end of the term of suspension. The Executive Officers will vote on the Request for Readmission.


Section 1. Meeting Schedule

  1. Executive Officers meetings shall be held at least one (1) week before the general body meeting, at a time and day designated by the President.

  2. General body meetings shall be held on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month except August and December. General body meetings may be suspended or rescheduled upon a simple majority (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of the Executive Officers and/or ratification by a simple majority (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of voting members present. The President may cancel a general body meeting if a state of emergency has been declared for Deanwood, the city, or the country.

  3. The Annual Meeting of the general membership shall be held on the fourth (4th) Monday in November.

  4. Special meetings shall be made by written communication and no other business outside of the meeting’s purpose shall be considered at that meeting. A special meeting may be called by the President or other Executive Officer when necessary or when requested in writing by a minimum of five (5) members with notification and recommendation by the President, Vice President, or a majority of the Executive Officers.

Section 2. Place of Meeting

The President may designate any place within the Deanwood neighborhood as the place of meeting for any Executive Officers, General Body, Annual, or Special Meetings. Once established the General Body and Annual Meeting place can only be changed by a vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Notice of Meeting

Written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called shall be delivered not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting, either personally, by mail, email, electronic posting on the DCA list serve, or by public notice to each member of the record entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, addressed to the member at the member’s address as it appears on the membership rolls of the Association with postage thereon prepaid. Neither the business to be transacted at nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting need be specified in the notice of such meeting.


Section 1. Executive Roles

Executive officers of the association shall be the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Sergeant at Arms. These officers are elected by the general body. The business and affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Executive Officers.

Section 2. General Duties and Responsibilities

The general duties and responsibilities of the Executive Officers of the Association are:

  1. Setting policies for the association's operation and ensuring the provisions of the organization's Constitution and bylaws are being followed.

  2. Setting the organization's overall program from year to year and engaging in longer-range planning to establish is General course for the future

  3. Establishing fiscal policy and guidelines with budgets and financial controls.

  4. Ensuring adequate resources are available for the activities of the organization through direct Financial contributions and commitment to fundraising.

  5. Developing and maintaining a communication link to the community, promoting the work of the organization.

  6. Preparing an agenda for executive officer meetings and general body meetings.

  7. Each officer should be consulted on what needs to be covered in the general body meeting for that month.

  8. Ensure that every Association member has the opportunity to speak and have their views heard during meetings

  9. Officers should remain impartial at all times.

  10. Make sure members and guests are comfortable, feel welcomed, and are engaged at meetings and events.

  11. Maintain an officer's notebook of pertinent information to facilitate successful officer transitions.

Section 3. Responsibilities of Executive Officers

A. The President, with the assistance of the Executive Officers and membership, shall:

  1. Preside at meetings.

  2. Compile agendas for meetings:

    1. Execute agreements and legal instruments together with any other officer of the association as required by the Constitution and or bylaws of the association (e.g., sign checks);

    2. Guide Executive Officers in making sure the interests of the general membership are served in terms of programs, range of member activities, support of the Association, the relation of the Association to other organizations, etc;

    3. Force any policies or procedures of the Association;

    4. Schedule facilities for the Executive Officers, general body, annual and special meetings;

    5. Appoint members to committees or special groups with input from other Executive Officers;

  3. Serve as the representative of the Association to other groups and the City;

  4. Ensure that long-term plans are made for meetings programs, field trips, newsletter deadlines, picnics, and other Association activities;

  5. Compile a report at the end of the Fiscal Year and for the Annual Meeting summarizing the activities of the Association;

  6. Organize all training sessions including a training session for all new Officers;

  7. Promote membership in the Association and organize improvement projects or other activities to further the objectives and purposes of the Association;

  8. Train the incoming president.

B. The Vice President shall:

  1. Served in the absence of the President;

  2. Assume the office of President if the President is unable to complete the term;

  3. Communicate with ex-officio members, honoraries, former members, etc.;

  4. Schedule facilities for special events and or programming ( e.g., holiday party, summer meet and greet, etc.);

  5. Schedule and organize Executive Officer installation;

  6. Assist with Executive Officers as necessary;

  7. Plan, implement, and evaluate all membership recruitment activities;

  8. Maintain membership records;

  9. Review and revise membership application packets;

  10. Promote membership in the Association and organize improvement projects or other activities to further the objectives and purposes of the Association;

  11. Train the incoming Vice President.

C. The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Write minutes of all meetings. Distribute them to the Executive Officers at least ten (10) days before the next board meeting. Minutes to include a reminder of Executive Officer and next General Body meeting date;

  2. Maintain a historical file of minutes;

  3. Maintain and preserve the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association;

  4. Promote membership in the Association and organize improvement projects or other activities to further the objectives and purposes of the Association;

  5. Maintain attendance records;

  6. Train the incoming Recording Secretary.

D. The Corresponding Secretary shall:

  1. Write official correspondence for the Association;

  2. Conduct a yearly survey of member needs and wishes;

  3. Prepare newsletter for the Association;

  4. Maintain DCA website;

  5. Monitor the DCA listServ.

E. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Maintain all financial records including showing receipts, disbursements, balances, locations of bank accounts, and other pertinent financial information of the Association;

  2. Sign all checks;

  3. Prepare the budget for the year and present it to the Association;

  4. Collect all dues and other income of the association;

  5. Disperse all funds and ensure that bills are paid in a timely manner;

  6. Provide monthly financial statements to Executive Officers and the general body at monthly meetings;

  7. Promote membership in the Association and organize improvement projects or other activities to further the objectives and purposes of the Association;

  8. Train incoming Treasurer.


Section 1. Executive Officers Elections and Installation

The term of an Officer is two years.

Elections and installation of Executive Officers and vacant seats shall be at the Annual Meeting held in November on the fourth Monday, whereby officers shall assume duties at the beginning of the fiscal year preceding the election of new executive offices, January 1st.

Section 2. Turnover

Each officer shall hold office until his or her successor has been duly elected and qualifies or until his or her death or until he or she resigns or is removed in the manner hereinafter provided.

Section 3. Vacancies

A vacancy in any office because of death, illness, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, shall be filled by a special election held at the next regular meeting of the Association. The newly elected officer Shall serve the unexpired portion of the term of his or her predecessor in office.

Section 3. Removal

Any officer elected or appointed to serve the Association may be removed by the Association whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Association would be served thereby. Removal of an officer must be by a supermajority (two-thirds ⅔) vote of members present and voting in the assembly. The officer in question will be notified in writing of the meeting at which removal from office will be discussed and voted upon. At the meeting, the officer may present statements to the Association to retain the position.

Section 4. Appointments

Appointed Executive Officers, if and when needed, are Financial Security, Chaplain, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Vice President. The President shall have the authority to appoint executive and committee officers, as needed, resulting from unfilled officers after the annual election. The term for appointment officers will follow the elected Executive Officer as noted in Article VII Section I.


Section 1. General Membership Meetings

General membership meetings shall be convened at 6:30 p.m., and begin no later than 6:45 p.m., or at such other time designated by the President. The meetings shall be held in a convenient, centrally located place within the Deanwood boundaries designated by the Executive Committee.

The order of business at each general membership meeting shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order and Invocation

  2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  3. Treasurer's Report

  4. Correspondences (sent and received)

  5. New and Old Business

  6. Invited Guests and Regular Government Agency Updates

    1. Invited guest

    2. Regular government agency updates

      1. Advisory Neighborhood Commission (7C and 7D)

      2. 6th District Police Report (PSA 602 Report)

    3. DC Government

  7. Community Concerns

  8. Announcements and Upcoming Events

  9. Adjournment


The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year, January 1 - December 31.


The Association may send members to represent the Association at meetings with organizations in the community and the City. These representative members may voice the Association's position on issues and topics of discussion. However, if there is a doubt and time is allowed the representative members should bring the issue or topic of discussion back to the DCA membership for resolution of the Association's position on the issue or topic of discussion.


The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any time or from time to time in the judgment of the members, but such amendments shall be formal, written, and agreed to by a simple majority of (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of the Executive Officers and/or ratification by simple majority of (fifty-one percent 51%) vote of voting members present. Proposals to amend the Constitution shall have been submitted in writing at the previous regularly scheduled General Body Meeting or made to each member at least fifteen (15) days before consideration.

Deanwood Citizens Association Constitution and Bylaws - Revised March 2024

Presiding President Brian A. Glover and the members of the Deanwood Citizens Association